What to Ask Your Doctor


When being prescribed an opioid, it is wise to have a conversation with your doctor about some of the possible risks of taking the medication. While opioids can effectively treat acute pain, it often worsens symptoms of chronic pain.

Here are some of the questions you can ask your doctor if prescribed an opioid.

  • Why do I need this medication– is it right for me?
  • Are there non-opioid alternatives that could help with pain relief while I recover?
  • How long should I take this medication?
  • How can I reduce the risk of potential side effects from this medication?
  • What if I have  a history of addiction with tobacco, alcohol or drugs? 
  • What if there is a history of addiction in my family?
  • Could this treatment interact with my other medications?
  • Can I have a prescription for naloxone?


Northern Sierra Opioid Safety Coalition: info@northernsierraopioidsafety.org

© 2025 Northern Sierra Opioid Safety Coalition • Website: Idea Engineering